As of December 6th, 2024 CallClerk is no longer available for sale.

Also, this website will be shut down on December 29, 2024; after which time visitors to will be redirected to another website where they will see a message simiular to this one until December 6, 2025.

However, it is important to note the current version of the CallClerk should continue to run past December 29, 2024 until in most likelihood something in Windows changes to prevent that - and as far as I am aware there is nothing on the horizon that would cause that.

If you are a licensed user of CallClerk, and require support please email me at providing the name and e-mail id you used to license CallClerk.   I plan to continue to provide support to licensed users until December 6th, 2025.

Of note, if you are installing CallClerk on another of your machines, you will need to know your personal registration code. If you have lost this information, you can regain it by going to the CallClerk – About window and clicking on where it says ‘This copy of CallClerk is licensed to your name‘.  Once done your registration code will be copied to your computer’s clipboard, and you can past it into a file some place for safe keeping.  You can then also use that code to register the program on your other machine.

While CallClerk’s website help documentation will no longer available after December 29th, 2024, the program’s built-in help (which fully matches everything on the website) remains available.  To access the built-in help, just right click on the CallClerk icon in the systray and select Help.  Note: if this is the first time you have done that, you will be asked if you want to download the help file, just click ‘Ok’ and the help file will be downloaded and appear.  You will only need to do this once, and if you access the help after that it will appear without needing to be downloaded.  Plans are in place to keep the downloadable help available until December 6, 2025.  

Over time, one of the most common questions I was asked is what modem now works with CallClerk – as they do in some cases stop working / stop being supported by their vendors.   The reason you are seeing this write up here is that for the last several years the GetFaxing modem was recommended for use by CallClerk.  If you need a new modem, or would just like one as a future backup, please click here  to view the GetFaxing modem product page. Of note, I do not now, nor have I ever, received a commission from GetFaxing – I simply recommended their modem for use with CallClerk as it is the best for the job and GetFaxing support is terrific!  

On a personal note, I want to thank you, and indeed all CallClerk users, for your kindness and support over the years. Bringing CallClerk to end of life was not a decision I made lightly, but was unfortunately needed as the program had become financially unviable in these times.

Rob Latour


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